Overflowing Cups of Love: The Art of Nurturing Confidence and Truth
In our household, where the harmonies of art music and the rhythm of life intertwine, my wife, a gifted classical singer, shares a profound appreciation for Michael Bublé, the singer of classic songs from The Great American Songbook. Never knowing the time or source of inspiration, we were both struck while watching an interview with Bublé, where he credited his success to the boundless love bestowed upon him by his parents.
“…they gave me so much love I didn’t know what to do with it”
This moment of enlightenment sparked a realization for Emily and me: we were determined to foster an environment of unwavering, unconditional love for our family. A pledge was made to ensure our children would see and hear daily, in no uncertain terms, how deeply they are loved. I greet them each morning with joy, proclaiming, "I'm so glad to see you!" and affectionately referring to them as "My Loves," "My Treasures," and "My Beautiful Sons" throughout the day.
However, life, with its ceaseless demands, sometimes leads us astray from our intentions. This was poignantly illustrated when my eldest, an aspiring comic strip artist, had run out of art supplies. I rushed to Michaels for new sketchbooks and pencils, and when I put them in front of him I asked him if he knew why I did this. I was shocked when he replied that he didn’t know. How could he not know when he has never wanted for any supplies for his craft?! I told him it was because I believed in him and I knew he was going to be successful. He looked up at me with his oversized, beautiful brown eyes and replied, “You’ve never told me that before.” This moment was a lesson in the importance of filling their cups not just with love but also with verbal affirmations of belief and support.
Our endeavor to continuously pour into their cups with love and positive affirmations has shielded them from the harshness of external judgments and the unfortunate ugliness in the world. Whether facing critiques about their height, curls, manner of speech, or skin color, they remain steadfast, their cups brimming with truth and self-assurance, leaving no room for the world's lies and negativity. This resilience contrasts starkly with the vulnerability I've observed in the scores of young individuals I've mentored, whose cups, perhaps, were not as fortified with unconditional love and truth.
It begs the question: what profound impact could we achieve if we applied this philosophy universally? To our friends, our partners, our children—constantly affirming their worth, their uniqueness, and our belief in them? Like him or not, the evidence of this approach's efficacy is embodied in Michael Bublé's radiant confidence and joy, a beacon of what's possible when one's cup overflows with genuine love and support. As we continue to navigate this path, our hope is for our sons to shine brightly, their cups filled to the brim with love, truth, and the unwavering belief that they are indeed treasures in this world.