Songs of Change Premiere

Songs of Change Recording

Songs of Change (2023)

Remembering Where

A Sleep To Save

Not Yet Known

This song cycle features three songs set to the poetry of Cayla Ross. It was commissioned by soprano Brianna Lambrecht and premiered by Brianna and pianist Tom Ryskamp on March 31, 2023.

Remembering Where is a nostalgic poem that explores the author's departure from a beloved place that played a formative role in her artistic development. As she drives away and watches the town's blinking lights fade in her rearview mirror, she finds solace in the idea that her artistic spirit will always remain. The music alternates between pensiveness and nervous excitement.

A Sleep to Save is infused with the discomfort that comes with uncertainty. The poet wonders if she can achieve her dreams and make an impact on the world. The music is reflective, and the soprano is asked to sing long, legato phrases in a slow tempo, portraying the malaise that accompanies apprehension.

Not Yet Known is the poet's representation of daring to dream wildly, losing oneself in flight, and pursuing aspirations not yet known. The piano accompaniment contains rapid passages reflecting the poet's passion for audacious adventure, juxtaposed with lyrical phrases that portray her desire to find a place to live out her dreams.


Different Seasons